Travel to Vladimir, one of eight cities comprising Russia's celebrated 'Golden Ring'. Vladimir owes its fame to white-stone architectural monuments dating back to the 12th century. The city is over one thousand years old. It is located on the high western banks of the Klyazma River. Nearly all the city's sights are located within its historical center, which extends west to east along the city's main street, Bolshaya Moskovskaya.
The city of Vladimir is located in the central region of Russia approximately 182 km east of Moscow. It is the largest city within a 200km radius of Moscow. The M-7 highway connecting Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod passes through the city. Vladimir is located on the high western bank of the Klyazma River. Almost all the city's sights are located in its historical center, which extends west to east along Bolshaya Moskovskaya Street from "Valentina Department Store" to the Hotel "Vladimir".
Climate Conditions

Vladimir has a moderate continental climate, with an average temperature of +18C in July and an average temperature of -11C in January. The average annual precipitation is 560 mm, approximately two-thirds of which is rainfall. The climate of Vladimir is favorable for human health and agriculture. A frost-free period of 120-140 days affords a good growing season for vegetables, fruits, and various grains. Southwest winds prevail in the city.

Summer begins around the middle of June. The summer months bring warmer weather to the region, with moderate precipitation. July, the hottest month, averages 18.1 C (approximately 66 F). In August, the temperature falls somewhat and often in the last days of the month an autumn coolness can be felt. Sometimes, though, the summer warmth lasts until the middle of September. The weather during this period is generally calm, dry, and cloudless. This phenomenon repeats regularly every three to four years.

Autumn begins in September and lasts until mid-November. From November to March, the average temperature falls below 0 C (32 F). Snow covers the ground from late November to early April. In these months the temperature may reach above 0 C when there are weather changes. The coldest part of the winter falls at the end of December and lasts through January.